《League of Gods》 Introduction of the Hero: Hong Haier
Son of Bull King and Iron Fan, born to be powerful, naughty and love playing tricks on others. After being deceived by Monster and fighting hard with Monk Tang’s crew, he became the popular cute Boy of Avalokitesvara from bad naughty boy for being influenced by Avalokitesvara. Eventually became the Wan Choi Boy besides Avalokitesvara, help Avalokitesvarasave the suffering world.
In the early game, Hong Haier is also a hero of high dps.
Here are the details of Hong Haier’s skills:
FireCloud Spell: Attack single, restore anger, cause extra damage
Sacred Spear: Attack front-row foes, cause extra damage
Samite Armor: Increase Block
Skyfire Heart: Increase attack by percentage
Immortal Fire: Chance to restore anger at round end
Fate buffs with embattled specific Heroes:
Mon-n-Son Hearts:Hong Haier, Iron Fan fight together, increase HP and M.DEF.
Irresistible: Hong Haier, Garuda fight together, increase ATK
Rampage Family: Bull King, Iron Fan, Hong Haier fight together, increase ATK and DEX
Embattle properly accoring to Heroes’ fates will help you easier to increase team battle power!